After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Geophysics & Planetary Science at Boston University, I pushed onward to the PhD program in Geology at UT Knoxville. As I am primarily interested in icy bodies, the first chapter of my dissertation is forming around the topic of fluvial channels on Saturn’s frigid moon, Titan. Since it is the only planetary body beyond Earth where we can study ongoing river systems (albeit under very different conditions), Titan exists as a unique laboratory for testing our understanding of geomorphological processes. In particular, I study the transport and weathering of icy cobbles down the length of fluvial channels observed on Titan. As on Earth, grain size would be expected to change downstream—something which I am studying primarily through analysis of radar images provided by NASA’s recently completed Cassini-Huygens mission. An experimental study is being performed in parallel by our collaborator at Colgate University, Joseph Levy, which will attempt to recreate the weathering we see on Titan in a lab here on Earth. I am also interested in other icy worlds such as Jupiter’s mystifying moon, Europa—soon to be the focus of a high-profile NASA mission.
Check out my profile on ResearchGate.
View a summary of some recent work: Maue_GSA_2018.

Channel mapped in Cassini radar swath from flyby T-121.
Lead Author Conference Abstracts
- Maue, A. D., Burr, D. M., Levy, J. S., Nathan, E. (2018). Linking cobble-rich fluvial environments on Earth and Titan. Oral presentation, at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstract 90-11.
- Maue, A. D., Burr, D. M. (2018). Initial analyses of terrestrial rivers as possible analogs for radar-bright fluvial features on Titan. Poster presentation, at Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society 50th Annual Meeting, Poster 216.03.
- Maue, A.D., Burr, D.M., Levy, J.S., Nathan, E. (2018). Updating the Global Map of Titan Fluvial Features and Investigating Downstream Radar Brightness Trends. Poster presentation, at Planetary Geologic Mappers Annual Meeting. Abstract 7021.
- Maue, A.D., Burr, D.M., Levy, J.S., Nathan, E. (2018). Observational and experimental evidence for the comminution of fluvial sediment on Titan. Oral presentation, at Southeastern Geological Society of America Meeting. Abstract 311917.
- Maue, A.D., Burr, D.M., Levy, J.S., Nathan, E. (2018). Comminution of Titan’s Icy Cobbles: Radar Brightness Trends and the Titan Tumbler. Poster presentation, at 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 1113.
- Maue, A.D., Burr, D.M., Jacobsen, R.E. (2017). Geomorphologic map of an icy human exploration zone: Deuteronilus Mensae. Poster presentation, at 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 2766.
- Maue, A.D., Karunatillake, S., Susko, D.A., Hood, D.R. (2016). Granulometry and geochemistry of Martian soil from MAHLI and APXS at Gale Crater, Mars. Poster presentation, at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2016. Abstract 189944.
- Maue, A.D., Thomson, B.J., Withers, P.G. (2016). A quantitative approach to Venus shield field stratigraphy. Poster presentation, at 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract 2805.
- Maue, A.D., Patthoff, D.A., Pappalardo, R.T. (2015). Mapping and analysis of tectonic structures on Enceladus’s Leading Hemisphere Terrain. Oral presentation, at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Abstract 340-6.