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Keenan Golder

For my doctoral research, I’ve focused my efforts on comparative planetary volcanism. My main region of interest is the Cerberus plains on Mars, located between the Olympus Mons and Elysium Mons in the northern hemisphere. This region hosts pristine examples of large-scale, and very young, volcanic activity. Small shield volcanoes, vent and fissure sourced eruptions, and lava flows that fill channels created by enormous water floods and stretch for over a thousand kilometers are found there. I have been working to identify the source of the magma that fed this extensive and voluminous volcanism. Additionally, I am working on developing a computational model that can duplicate lava flows on both Earth and Mars, to determine which parameter controls the emplacement of long lava flows. The parameters I am testing include those that are inherent to the lava (e.g., viscosity), and those that are external to the lava (e.g., planetary gravity). Finally, I am working on lava flows found outside of the rim on the Caloris impact basin on Mercury. There is evidence that multiple eruptive events occurred along the exterior of this basin, and I am seeking to quantify the differences between the apparent lavas.


Cerberus Region Data

For an upcoming manuscript, I have uploaded the relevant data that shows the full extent of the channelized lavas in the Cerberus region (see figure on this page), the locations of the regional Cerberus Fossae fissure network, and the files for crater count locations and crater sizes/positions. Once the relevant manuscript has been published, I will include reference information.

To download the data, please click here.




Conference Abstracts