I am a master of science candidate here at the University of Tennessee Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences working with Devon Burr and Bradley Thomson. My research here as a planetary geologist varies to include volcanic processes, impact crater mechanics, and geomorphologic features on Venus, Earth, and the Moon. Currently, my specific research interests include origins and morphologies of volcanic edifices on Venus, as well as impact crater chronology on the surface of the moon. My recent publications include a 1:5,000,000 scale reconnaissance map of the V-49 Mahuea Tholus quadrangle on Venus, as well as an in-depth analysis of shield field characteristics and origins on the surface of Venus. Near-future research will focus on diffusion rates of lunar impact craters based on radar signatures and topographic data.
Conference Abstracts
- Nypaver, C. A., B. J. Thomson, D. M. Burr, and C. I. Fassett (2018) Radar properties of impact ejecta on the lunar maria: A model for degradation and age. 67th GSA Southeastern section, Knoxville, TN, Apr 12-13, Abstract 17-1.
- Nypaver, C. A., B. J. Thomson, D. M. Burr, F. Fassett, C. Neish, W. Patterson, and A. Stickle (2018) Radar properties of impact ejecta on the lunar maria: A model for degradation and age. Lunar Planet. Sci. XLIX, The Woodlands, TX, Mar 19-23, Abstract 2460.
- Nypaver, C., P. Lang, E. Baker, B.J. Thomson (2016) Reconnaissance 1:5M scale geologic mapping of the Mahuea Tholus (V-49) quadrangle, Venus. 47th LPSC.
- Nypaver, C., P. Lang, E. Baker, B.J. Thomson (2016) Geologic Processes and Stratigraphies Recorded within Venusian Shield Fields. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
- Nypaver, C., Rogers, K. A., Lang, N. P. and Thomson, B. J. (2016) The Contribution of Small Shield Volcanoes to the Volcanic Resurfacing of the Mahuea Tholus Quadrangle [V-49], Venus. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
- Nypaver, C., Lang, N. P. Testing Channel Origin Hypotheses in the Mahuea Tholus Quadrangle (V-49), Venus (2015) Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
- Fassett, C., King, I.R., Nypaver, C., Thomson, B.J., 2018, Temporal Evolution of S-band Circular Polarization Ratio of Kilometer-scale Craters on the Lunar Maria. Journal of Geophysical Research. Submitted.
- Nypaver, C., Lang, N.P., and Thomson, B.J., 2018, Geologic mapping, morphometric characterization, and statistical analyses of six Venusian shield fields: Insights into the processes related to their formation, in Poland, M., Garcia, M., Camp, V., and Grunder, A., eds., Field Volcanology: A Tribute to the Distinguished Career of Don Swanson: Geological Society of America Special Paper 538, p. 1–24, https://doi.org/10.1130/2018.2538(20).